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The Future of Machine Learning and Landing Page Design

The Future of Machine Learning and Landing Page Design

Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as one of the most exciting things to hit digital marketing landscapes in a long time.

And chances are, as a website owner trying to stay ahead of the competition, you’ve probably already dabbled in machine learning web design – and don’t even know it.

That said, with a greater understanding of how machine learning works, what it’s capable of doing, and how it will affect your future as a business owner, you can capitalize on its power.

Today we’re going to take a look at what artificial intelligence is, examples of it that you’ll be able to relate to, and how the future of machine learning will help shape landing page web design.

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What is Artificial Intelligence in Online Marketing?

Artificial intelligence, in general, is a unique thing. However, how it applies to online marketing is particularly exciting.

In short, AI is advanced technology that mimics human thought.

It’s capable of changing based on specific circumstances and rules that are met and helps to provide people with a more personalized and intelligent user experience.

More specifically, machine learning (which is a subset of AI) is designed to complete tasks that humans can do.

For example, the right machine learning functionality can answer support questions, recommend similar products, or even write content that is tailored to each individual.

And the great thing is, according to a recent study performed by the co-founder of Unbounce, Carl Schmidt, and his team, machine learning algorithms tend to outperform humans every time.

With technology like this at your hands, you’d be able to strengthen customer relationships and fix low eCommerce conversion rates.

Better yet, you’d be able to grow your business into something that wouldn’t be possible without the help of a machine.

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Examples of Machine Learning Marketing

You may not realize it, but machine learning technology has been around for some time.

In fact, many marketers are using this type of technology without even realizing that’s what they’re doing.

But it’s working, and people will continue to implement machine learning into their marketing efforts if it means delivering the best user experience and getting the most favorable results.

Here are some common examples of machine learning technology in action on websites in all industries:

  • Product suggestions and recommendations based on customer behavior
  • Chatbots providing basic customer support during non-business hours
  • Analysis of large amounts of data related to target audiences
  • Email list segmentation sent out based on demographics such as age, gender, interest, and location
  • Product price determinations based on past buying behavior
  • Automatic site translations depending on a user’s geographic location
  • Text-to-speech and speech-to-text technology for voice-based searches
  • Image recognition for recommending similar products and boosting brand engagement with the added visual appeal
  • Visual reporting of numerical data for easier analysis

As you can see, there are many opportunities to use the power that machine learning, and developing artificial intelligence, provides online marketing.

But where does that leave you moving forward?

Rather, what does the future of machine learning look like, and how will it affect your ability to produce the highest converting landing pages for your site visitors?

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The Future of Machine Learning and Landing Page Design

Although the future of machine learning in online marketing (and landing page design) remains largely uncertain, there are some ways we can see this technology making its way into every marketer’s arsenal of tools.

Content Creation

Creating high-quality content on a regular basis is a struggle for most marketers, no matter how successful they are.

In fact, 51% of marketers say they lack the necessary time to create content for their sites, despite knowing how important it is.

But what if AI could help with certain aspects of the content creation process?

Well, there is already technology out there helping with just that.

For instance, Articoolo enables you to spin existing content into something completely original, or write a fresh new piece based off a few descriptive words.

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Other popular digital content creation tools that can help you with your landing page’s copy include Wordsmith and Quill.

Content Curation

Content curation is already a highly popular strategy, though it’s worth mentioning because as technology advances, so will this technique.

AI can help recommend the most relevant content to your site visitors possible, so they receive a completely dynamic and personalized experience as they wade through your blog posts and online shop.

In fact, this is already possible using popular WordPress plugins like YARPP.


Based on advanced algorithms, this plugin will display relevant content to your site visitors on posts and pages based on their viewing behavior.

Showing people content that directly relates to what they’re interested in will increase engagement and push people further down the sales funnel.

As a result, your business will have a higher conversion rate and a boost in sales.

Email Marketing

We already mentioned email segmentation as a common example of machine learning that many people are already using.

But advanced machine learning technology, like the features found in tools like Phrasee and Persado, can analyze millions of pieces of data to determine things like:

  • The best day of the week and time of day to send out emails based on CTRs and location
  • Which email subject lines resonate the most with different segments
  • The frequency of campaigns that generate the highest open rates and CTA clicks
  • What kind of content people are more attracted to based on the action you want them to take

Using technology like this can complement the A/B testing you’re already conducting on your website to find out which type of email campaigns work best for your business.

Once you know that information, you can create landing pages that people will come to once they click the call to action button on the email you send out.

From there, you can direct them to the right funnel at the right time and increasing your chances of a conversion.

Social Media Advertising

There’s no denying the power of social media.

And, thanks to platforms such as Facebook, people can now use machine learning algorithms to give themselves the content they want, when they want it.

Using predictive analysis, and giving people control to determine what posts they see in their feed, Facebook continues to be one of the most favored social media networks around.

facebook post

People can like or share the posts they enjoy and see more content just like it in their feeds. Or, they can hide ads they don’t like and avoid having to see any content like it in the future.

This type of technology is destined to become a part of your website at some point in the future.

Giving people the option to customize the type of content they see while on your site by hiding what they don’t like and displaying what they do, gives you the upper hand when it comes to encouraging people to take action, no matter what webpage they’re on.

And thanks to predictive behavior analysis, it’s likely you’ll be able to customize the type of landing page they see when they return to your site to continue engaging with your content or purchasing a product you have for sale.

A Small Reminder

Despite the power that machine learning marketing is bound to have on the successes of business owners long into the future, it’s essential you don’t forget the basics either.

After all, you still need to focus on SEO to drive traffic to your site, no matter how “smart” your site is.

You also need to focus on the speed and performance of your website, so you continue to rank well in search results and provide an exceptional user experience.

Leveraging a CDN to deliver site content to users across the globe at blazing fast speeds is one of the best strategies to follow at all times.

In fact, with a content delivery network, multiple servers around the world serve up site content to users based on their geographic location, so there’s never a delay.

And as an added protection, a reliable CDN service will also protect your growing business from DDoS attacks, which aim to bring down servers, and the sites being stored on them.

To speed up and protect your website, you can also do things like:

Final Thoughts

In the end, technology will always continue to progress, no matter what tried and true online marketing strategies you like to use or how great you feel your landing pages already are.

And, if you want to stay ahead of the competition, and continue to give site visitors what they want, you’ll need to stay updated on these new advancements and implement at least a few of them into your overall marketing plan.

With the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in online marketing, your customers are out to receive to the experience of a lifetime.

But if done right, your business is also set up to succeed, with conversions and sales like you’ve never seen before.

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