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How to Make Your Fast WordPress Site Even Faster in 3 Steps!

Is your WordPress site loading slowly? That means that you are probably bleeding website visitors. Over half of people will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. A study from Aberdeen showed that a one-second delay in website load times led to a 7% decrease in conversions.

This is a problem that you can’t ignore. You must take all necessary steps to reduce your load time to retain visitors. There are a number of benefits of increasing your site speed:

  • Your bounce rate will drop sharply.
  • You will have a higher returning visitor rate on your site.
  • Conversion rates will increase because visitors won’t leave your site after they get frustrated with slow load times.
  • You will have a higher ROI from your paid traffic and SEO campaigns.

The impact on your ROI can be tremendous. One case study cited by HubSpot found that increasing a website speed by 60% increased revenue by 14%. Since the steps that you can take to increase website speeds are usually free or at least very cheap, the investment is well worth it.

So, what can you do to get your site to load more quickly? Here are three simple changes that can make a big difference.

Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network CDN

Try Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Using a CDN is one of the newest optimization strategies for bolstering website performance and speed. It is also one of the most effective.

CDN is a network of servers that are dispersed around the world. When a visitor tries to access content on your website, the network looks at their IP address to determine the best server to connect them to. Their caching request will be handled by the closest server that has the bandwidth capabilities to process their request.

There are a few reasons that using a CDN is very effective:

  • By connecting visitors to the closest server, they minimize the time that it takes to process the request.
  • Visitors can be directed to another server if one is currently overloaded. This is a particularly useful feature of CDNs during high traffic periods.
  • You can set different rules and you are CDN dashboard to display different versions of content for people in various regions. If you are trying to reach visitors in countries with a less sophisticated data infrastructure, then you can use fewer visual elements to make sure the content loads more quickly.

Using a CDN is a proven way to dramatically reduce website load times. It is especially important if you are trying to reach customers all over the world.


Find a New WordPress Theme

There are a number of great WordPress themes on the market. You want to find one that is well-optimized to provide a good user experience. Since reducing load times is one of the best ways to improve the user experience, many developers have focused on creating more minimalistic themes that load more quickly. It is probably best to invest in these themes, rather than one that is loaded with visual elements that have longer cache times.

Take a look at different WordPress themes and find one that loads quickly. Here are some themes with fast load times:

  • Scalia was one of the themes reviewed by WPBuff. They found that it was the fastest theme in their tests. It loaded in just 1.3 seconds, despite having video sliders and Video Composer installed.
  • Gillion is a theme that was released this year. ColorLib reviewed it and found that it was a remarkably fast theme. It is still a very robust WordPress theme with multiple headers, a dozen custom widgets, and a very slick top menu bar.
  • The modified version of Top SEO. As you can guess from the name, the Top SEO theme was designed for people whose sole concern was SEO. If you use the theme in its default state, it won’t be very fast. It takes four seconds to load. However, this is because there is a very visually intensive animated banner. If you decide to opt out of using the banner, then the theme will load much more quickly and be one of the fastest loading themes on the market.

If you are using a cumbersome WordPress theme, then you might notice a strong drop in your load times by using one of these themes instead.

Reduce the Number of HTTP Requests

Around 80% of slow website loading times are attributed to excessive HTTP requests. A number of website elements can contribute to this problem:

  • Having too many scripts on your page or scripts that use too many lines of code.
  • Having an excessive number of images or images that are larger than necessary.
  • Displaying large spreadsheets in the body of your page, rather than compressing them to be downloaded or viewed off-site
  • Streaming content to visitors as soon as they visit your page.

Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce HTTP requests to get your site loading more quickly. The first is to take a hard look at your images. If there are images that don’t add value to the user experience, then you should consider removing them. May also want to reduce the size of images. This is especially important with you our site-wide logos or header images because they will hurt the low time across the entire site.

Speed Up Your Website With Little Effort!

There are a lot of things that you can do to improve your website loading time. You don’t need to spend a tremendous amount of money to do so. You just need to make a few quick tweaks and will see a huge difference.

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