This theme was created to inspire all of you. By its structure, features and elements it represents the power combination of quality design and modern technologies. The unique style is a real pleasure for the visitors’ eyes, and the functionality is yoursource of unlimited possibilities.
GYM is perfect for sport clubs, trainers, sport equipment/food/clothes stores and healthy lifestyle blogs. It contains several version of Homepage and Blog, as well as amazing visual effects that make the theme irresistible.
Among all the great features that GYM is rich with you will find the one that will make your organization aspect of the job much simpler – the theme includes section Classes where you can list all types of services your clients can get with just a few quick clicks. Try it for yourself and see how the GYM changes everything.
Basic Features:
- Cross-browser Compatibility;
- Classes/Trainers Hierarchy;
- Flexible & Customizable;
- Wide/Boxed Layouts;
- Responsive;
- Revolution/Swiper Sliders;
- Multiple Header Styles;
- Visual Composer;
- Shortcode Builder;
- Media Content Manager;
- WooCommerce Compatible;
- SEO Optimized;
- Main Menu/User Menu Support;
- Events Calendar;
- PO Composer;
- Custom Shortcodes;
- Ajax Search;
- Google Web Fonts;
- Premium Support;
- Excellent documentation Included and many other!